Our Camrose, Our future
For us to shape our future, we must first envision it! Camrose is updating our vision through a new document – Our Camrose, Shaping the Future. This document is a visionary plan that will set our course toward ensuring we are a healthy, inclusive, prosperous, and resilient city for ourselves and future generations. This plan will not only our land use planning, but also our economic, social, cultural, and ecological future.
This is your city and your opportunity to contribute to the creation of our future vision.
What is Our Camrose, Shaping the Future?
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Our Camrose, Our future
For us to shape our future, we must first envision it! Camrose is updating our vision through a new document – Our Camrose, Shaping the Future. This document is a visionary plan that will set our course toward ensuring we are a healthy, inclusive, prosperous, and resilient city for ourselves and future generations. This plan will not only our land use planning, but also our economic, social, cultural, and ecological future.
This is your city and your opportunity to contribute to the creation of our future vision.
What is Our Camrose, Shaping the Future?
Our Camrose, Shaping the Future is a Municipal Development Plan (MDP). An MDP is a long-range, statutory document that describes the desired future land use for a community and outlines a high-level plan on how the community is expected to change over time.
What is the process for creating Our Camrose, Shaping the Future?
Our Camrose, Shaping the Future will include a process of in-depth research and engagement. This process includes three major steps:
1. Establishing the future vision for Camrose – What kind of future do we want for our city? What should Camrose look and feel like over the next 20 to 30 years?
2. Creating the plan on how to get there – How will we achieve our vision? How should we approach land use, the economy, transportation, environment, and social aspects of our City to achieve the vision?
3. Creating an implementation plan – What do we need to do? What is required to support the decisions we must make to achieve the community vision?