WWTP Project Update - March 2022
Since starting their work in September 2021, Maple Reinders Constructors Ltd. (MRCL)’s time has largely been focused in the following areas:
- Pumping upgrades
- Installation of erosion protection along the east bank of Camrose Creek (needed to protect the existing and future emergency overflow ponds)
- NOTE: Some of the City’s cross-country trails near the South Lift Station will be completely closed to the public between March and June 2022 in order to allow MRCL and their subcontractors to safely and efficiently complete their outside work near the SLS. The City has been in contact with the Camrose Ski Club regarding the planned trail closures, and MRCL will be erecting fences and signage to keep the public out of the area.
- Treatment upgrades
- Mobilization of site trailers, equipment and some materials to site
- Various earthworks activities near the site of the new treatment facilities (topsoil stripping, importing clay, initial site grading, etc.)
- Installation of some of the yard piping around the future treatment facilities
- Initial earthworks within existing treated wastewater storage Cell “E” to split out the east portion of this cell for a new aerated treatment lagoon (Cell “C2”)
- On February 14/2022, MRCL started to excavate the foundation for the Process Building, which will house most of the new equipment related to the treatment processes (blowers, chemical storage / dosing equipment, filters, plus associated electrical and building mechanical equipment, as well as a new wastewater laboratory and staff areas).
- Storage upgrades, including landfill clay stockpile
- Construction of temporary haul roads between treated wastewater storage Cell “I” and various other locations on the WWTP property, as well as to the Camrose Regional Sanitary Landfill.
- Dewatering and removal of unsuitable material from within Cell “I”. Some of the unsuitable material was moved into a new stockpile location just west of the outdoor gun ranges (north of the landfill). This material will be made available to the Camrose Ski Club and to the Camrose Shooting Sports Association for improving safety features on their existing gun ranges (raising existing berms) or constructing new berms to expand their shooting operations.
- Hauling of clay material from Cell “I” to the Camrose Regional Sanitary Landfill.
This project is proceeding on time and on budget. The City has spent over $10,172,000 on the WWTP project to date. As well, the City – on behalf of the Camrose Regional Solid Waste Authority, of which the City is a member and acts as Administrator – has spent over $536,000 on the Landfill Clay Purchase project to date. Most of the remaining expenses for the landfill project will be spent in 2022, whereas the remaining WWTP project expenses will be realized between 2022 and 2024.
Summary of Upcoming Work
MRCL provides regular updates to the City regarding the upcoming work schedule. Based on MRCL’s current work plan, the following is a summary of the main activities that will be happening for the WWTP and landfill clay projects, as well as the anticipated timelines for each activity.
- Pumping upgrades
- Construction of new emergency overflow storage cell – March to June 2022
- Remaining improvements at / within South Lift Station – April 2022 to fall 2023
- Treatment upgrades
- Expanding lagoon treatment capacity – January to November 2022, as well as April to August 2023
- Addition of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) tankage and related infrastructure – April 2022 to March 2023
- Construction of Process Building – February 2022 to January 2023, including delivery & erection of pre-engineered steel building in June / July 2022.
- Remaining site improvements – November 2022 to June 2023
- Storage upgrades, including landfill clay stockpile (project #1020)
- Expanding the City’s treated wastewater storage capacity within Cell “I” – October 2021 (ongoing) to July 2022
- Clay to landfill – October 2021 (ongoing) to July 2022
- Final landscaping, construction of parking lot and trail access, etc. – July 2022 to spring 2024
At this time, the City expects that the WWTP upgrades will be substantially complete by October 2023, with final cleanup of work being completed in the spring of 2024. This is in line with the spending profile assumptions that were used in the amended 2021-2030 Capital Plan.