WWTP Project Update - January 2024
Summary of Recent Work Complete
- Pumping upgrades
- All work within the South Lift Station (SLS) is nearing completion. This includes the replacement of the building mechanical (HVAC) system, electrical upgrades, and the replacement or refurbishment of the major process mechanical equipment (pumps, valves, flow meter, etc.).
- Various health and safety enhancements to the facility were also completed, including improved access for City staff to the facility’s wet well.
- All tasks within the SLS required significant coordination between Public Works staff and the City’s contractor (Maple Reinders Constructors Ltd., MRCL) for scheduling and completion of these tasks.
- Preparation is ongoing for the installation of new security fencing around the SLS building and related out-buildings. The fencing will maintain public access to the existing trails in the area, while enhancing security around the City’s critical assets. This fence installation will be completed in the spring of 2024.
- Treatment upgrades
- All upgrades to the City’s treatment processes are now complete. This includes the existing aeration lagoons, as well as the two new structures (the tanks containing the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor – MBBR – as well as the main Process Building).
- All internal site works are complete (culvert installation, final grading including ditch construction, permanent internal road construction, landscaping, etc.).
- Conversion of the former blower building into a new storage building and workshop is nearing completion, and should be complete by the end of January.
- Storage upgrades, including landfill clay stockpile
- All work related to the Landfill Clay Purchase project (project #1020) is complete.
- The original contract work related to the storage lagoons is complete.
- Administration is in discussions with MRCL and the City’s consultant (Associated Engineering) about a few additional upgrades related to the storage lagoons which were not part of MRCL’s original scope. This includes a further upgrade to the outlet structure for Cell I, as well as the possible cleaning of storage Cell H.
- Final landscaping, construction of parking lot and trail access, etc.
- All work related to this scope is complete, with the exception of some minor cleanup work to be completed in the spring.
- General requirements
- Ongoing payments as outlined in the General Requirements portion of the contract.
Summary of Upcoming Work
The following is a summary of the main activities that will occur, as well as the anticipated timelines for each activity. Administration has organized this summary using the same categories as noted above:

Current Financial Status of Projects, including Approved Scope Changes
The following is a summary of the approved budgets and current / projected spending for the WWTP and landfill clay purchase projects.
As noted in the following tables, the City has spent over $47,254,000 on the WWTP project to date. The majority of these costs were paid to the general contractor (MRCL) or to the project consultant (AE). However, the City has already spent over $300,000 on costs that are outside of MRCL or AE’s scope, and will spend another ~$150,000 on additional out-of-scope costs before the project is complete. These costs include the purchase of such items as equipment for the WWTP laboratory, computer hardware and software for monitoring the various wastewater treatment processes and equipment, the initial purchase of chemicals for the operations of the WWTP, a forklift for moving around equipment and chemicals within the Process Building, as well as tools and other equipment that City staff will need in the operation of the new facilities. In addition, the City has charged over $200,000 to date for City staff and equipment costs to date for work directly related to the WWTP project; this amount is expected to be around $270,000 once all staff costs are allocated to the project for 2023 and 2024. All remaining expenses will be charged to the WWTP project by the end of 2024.
The Camrose Regional Solid Waste Authority (CRSWA) – for which the City acts as Administrator – spent over $1,551,000 on the Landfill Clay Purchase project. The full amount has been funded by the City of Camrose. As this project is now complete, all remaining invoices from MRCL or from AE will be billed entirely to the WWTP Upgrade project. All costs for the Landfill Clay Purchase project have been recorded as inventory and have not been expensed at this time. Once the clay is utilized for future landfill projects, the inventory used will be expensed and funded by the landfill closure liability maintained by the CRSWA.
The next planned Council update for this project will be in April 2024. Full details from this recent update to Council can be found in the January 22, 2024, Committee of the Whole Agenda.