Land Use Bylaw 3222-22 Approved
Throughout 2022, Administration worked with ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. to review and update Land Use Bylaw 2929-17, as amended. On December 5, 2022, Camrose City Council passed Land Use Bylaw 3222-22.
January 1, 2023, is the effective date of Bylaw 3222-22. Some noticeable changes include the following sections:
- Detached Secondary Suites (sometimes referred to laneway housing) are permitted on corner lots and lots with a lane;
- A new permit process has been established for demolition of structure so that adjacent owners are aware of the planned work;
- Updates to the landscaping requirements downtown;
- Updates to the Special (Historic) Residential District such as setbacks, suites, and height reduction;
- Establishment of a new Direct Control – Heritage District.
- Changes to certain parking requirements;
- Changes to certain signage requirements;
- Alignment of sections with the Municipal Government Act;
- Addition of Live/Work Units as permitted use, not as a discretionary use;
The keeping of laying hens will still be strictly prohibited in the urban area.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Aaron Leckie, Manager of Planning.
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The updated Land Use Bylaw has been approved.