Engagement Survey Results
Thank you to all of the individuals who took the time to complete our Land Use Bylaw Update Survey. The survey closed on June 30, 2022 and the Planning and Development Department together with ISL tabulated the results. To view the results check out the document titled, Engagement Report under the documents tab on the right!
To Summarize the results:
Detached Secondary Suites - Survey participants were generally supportive of detached secondary suites, with 73% of participants indicating they “strongly support” or “somewhat support” the proposed changes.
Urban Hens - Survey respondents were generally supportive of the proposed LUB changes regarding urban hens. 70% of those responding indicated that they “strongly support” or “somewhat support” urban hens.
Demolition Permit - Survey respondents (57% of those responding) indicated that they “strongly” or “somewhat supported” changes to demolition permits as proposed. 31% of respondents neither supported nor opposed the proposed changes regarding demolition permits.
Live Work Units - Survey respondents were generally supportive of live-work unit changes, with 61% of those responding indicating that they “strongly support” or “somewhat support” the proposed LUB changes regarding Live-Work Units.
Airport District - 54% of survey respondents indicated they “strongly” or “somewhat supported” future non-airport uses. 35% of respondents neither supported nor opposed the proposed change.
The updated Land Use Bylaw has been approved.