2023 Student Survey
Dear Students:
Since 1996, the Camrose Police Service has had the privilege of having a full time police officer in all of the schools in Camrose.
This officer is known as the School Resource Officer (SRO). You may have also heard this officer referred to as the “DARE Officer” before as well.
In addition to teaching in various classrooms, the SRO also participates in risk assessments, Boys’ Council groups, attending special school events, conducting lockdown drills, and providing other assistance at the school when situations require the police.
The main purpose of the School Resource Officer is to build relationships with the youth in Camrose, and to make your school as safe as possible.
In an effort to make the SRO program the best it can be, we are welcoming you to complete a short survey.
This survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. If you do not want to fill it out – you do not have to.
However, we hope you will take a few minutes to fill it out because your answers could help improve the program for next school year.
Thank you for all of your hard work and support throughout the year. It is greatly appreciated!